1 تحميل Mac OS X v.10.6.7 (10j868) | 4.5 GB الأربعاء يونيو 22, 2011 6:48 pm
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عضو فعالMac OS X v.10.6.7 (10j868) | 4.5 GB
in test mode does not limit you in time using the system, but you
should know that using the system on the motherboard are not designed
for the OS does not bath nicely (not legally), and it is recommended
that after testing the OS to remove it for further use like OS
recommended that you purchase sootvestvuschie equipment.
This image is for GA-P43T-ES3G (ALC892), but can be used on other motherboards
This image is particularly interesting for AMD machines, because the currently existing update for AMD is the latest.
Extras. Information:
owners of GA-P43T-ES3G (ALC892) is set to oyuraze DSDT file, which
performs the full functionality of this Mac, that is, devices are
identified native, slip is fully functional, that is, a complete sleep
the computer without glitches out without any problems in section
spelled video Nvidia 8600GT 256M, so after the system is recommended to
change the Video Section, in addition to the DSDT been prescribed device
used for me, so (they do not affect the operation in their absence have
you) if you want you can clean up these sections
Powered ps \ 2 Claudia and the mouse, pata devices are detected and working, the sound of the original (not Vuudu and azalea).
All devices operate at 100%
those who have the motherboard is different from the written above, you
start by Dana wasps will change the data in a folder on your Extras.
For AMD, you need to add in addition to the core root of the Legacy.
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